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Buy to Let Mortgage

A buy-to-let mortgage can be a great way to fund a property investment. If you're considering this, our guide will help you. Therefore, read on to learn everything about buy-to-let mortgages. Also, don't hesitate to contact us for further advice.

Buy to Let Mortgage Photo

A buy-to-let mortgage is a loan used to purchase a property for renting out.

Landlords and investors should understand buy-to-let mortgages to make the best investment decisions.

Therefore, we have crafted this guide to explain buy-to-let mortgages thoroughly. It includes comparing mortgage rates, deposit information, and criteria advice.

Using this guide will fully inform you about all aspects of buy-to-let mortgages.

What is a Buy to Let Mortgage?

A buy-to-let mortgage is a loan from landlords and investors to buy a rental property. It helps them purchase the house without paying the full amount upfront.

Instead, they borrow money from financial institutions and repay it with interest over time.

This enables landlords to rent their properties and earn income from rental payments.

Moreover, they can build equity in the property they invest in, as long as the property value does not fall.

Who Qualifies for a Buy to Let Mortgage?

Buy-to-let mortgages are available to anyone over 18 who qualifies for the loan. However, lenders impose stricter criteria than for standard residential mortgages.

Besides proof of income and identity, landlords must show rent will cover 125% of their mortgage payments.

For higher-rate taxpayers, this amount is usually 145%. Additionally, most lenders require landlords to have a minimum deposit of 20-25% for buy-to-let mortgages.

Benefits of Investing in a Buy to Let Property

A buy-to-let property can be a superb investment for generating passive income or building wealth.

There are many advantages to investing in a buy-to-let property. For instance:

  1. There is potential for capital appreciation. The purchase price of your property may rise over time, offering a capital return.

  2. Another benefit is regular income. Tenant rental income can provide a steady monthly income, supplementing other earnings or funding retirement.

  3. Tax advantages also apply. Buy-to-let mortgage interest can be offset against rental income, with tax paid only on the difference. However, this benefit is limited to the basic rate for higher-rate taxpayers.

  4. The cost of entry is moderate. Buying and maintaining a buy-to-let property is often cheaper than other investments when using a mortgage, allowing you to start with less capital.

  5. Flexibility is a key advantage. You can decide the duration of your investment in the property market and either buy one property or build a portfolio.

These are just some advantages of investing in a buy-to-let property. With careful planning and research, you can find an investment that offers financial returns and peace of mind. Therefore, investing in a buy-to-let property might be your right choice.

How Much Can I Borrow?

The amount you can borrow for your buy-to-let mortgage depends mainly on the rental income generated. However, the lender, the property you wish to buy, and its location also matter. Additionally, the property’s value and many other factors can influence the amount you can borrow.

How Does a Buy-to-Let Mortgage Work?

Buy-to-let mortgages are for those investing in properties to rent out. They work like other mortgages. However, they usually require larger deposits and have higher interest rates than residential mortgages.

Additionally, buy-to-let mortgages follow different taxation rules. Therefore, understanding these rules is crucial when obtaining a buy-to-let mortgage.

When applying for a buy-to-let mortgage, the lender assesses your repayment ability. This is based on the rental income and potential future interest rate rises. Moreover, you may need another income outside your property portfolio.

Another key factor is the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio. This represents the amount you can borrow compared to the property’s value. Lenders have varying requirements for LTV ratios.

Generally, they prefer ratios around 75% or lower. Lower mortgage rates are often available if you borrow less than 65%. However, some lenders may consider up to 80%.

Our Buy to Let Affordability Calculator

Our buy-to-let affordability calculator helps you understand how much you can borrow based on rental income.

Alternatively, if you know the mortgage amount, it can tell you the required rental income. This ensures the mortgage is deemed affordable.

Lenders usually use an interest rate to calculate affordability. However, there are alternatives to discuss with a mortgage adviser, such as five-year or longer fixed rates.

You need rental income higher than this to cover costs and taxes. For basic rate taxpayers or investors using a limited company, it’s 125%. For higher-rate taxpayers, it’s typically 145%.

We always ensure our customers are well informed and understand the potential property costs. This way, there will be no surprises later on.

Buy to Let Mortgage Rates

Lenders charge different interest rates for buy-to-let mortgages. The best deals are for landlords with bigger deposits.

Additionally, those with simpler circumstances also get better deals.

Lenders generally offer a range of rates, including trackers, variables, and fixed rates. Five-year fixed rates are popular, as they allow favourable rental calculations.

Connect Expert Brokers have access to over 170 lenders. They can search through the lenders for you. This ensures you get the best deals and the most competitive rates for your needs.

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Buy to Let Mortgage Deposit

The amount of deposit you’ll need to take out a buy-to-let mortgage will vary depending on the lender. The minimum deposit is 20%, with most lenders requiring a 25% deposit or more. T

Loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is the amount of mortgage expressed as a percentage of the property’s value. So if you have a 20% deposit, the loan will be expressed as an 80% LTV. 

Factors Affecting Mortgage Rates and Deposits

When deciding whether to take out a buy-to-let mortgage, you must consider factors such as the type of property you’re buying, its location and potential rental income.

The interest rate offered by lenders will also depend on your credit rating and the size of your deposit. It’s important to remember that the better your credit score, the lower your interest rate will be. Similarly, a larger deposit can help to secure a more competitive deal.

If you have additional specialist requirements, for example, you wish to purchase the property via a Limited Company, this will also affect your lender choice.

There are a large number of buy to let lenders in the market, so the choice can be confusing. Lenders fall typically into 3 categories. The ‘mainstream’ lenders are names that you will be familiar with from the high street, such as Natwest or Santander. While they offer some of the most competitive rates, they can be more restrictive. For example, they may not lend on certain types of property, to investors building a portfolio, or those buying via a Ltd company. The next category is the specialist buy to let lender. While rates are slightly higher, they are happy to lend to portfolio holders and limited companies. They will also consider a range of more complex property such as holiday lets and houses in multiple occupation. The final category are the commercial lenders that lend on buy to let property. These lenders typically offer the most flexibility. For example, they will lend on complex mixed use property and will also lend to offshore applicants and expats.

Changing a Residential Mortgage to a Buy to Let

If you currethntly own a property mortgaged as a residential mortgage, some lenders may permit you to switch it to buy-to-let without having to remortgage.

This process is known as ‘Consent to Let’. This means the lender may allow you to retain the same mortgage rate, fees and repayment terms while allowing you to let out the property.  However, some lenders will charge a higher interest rate or a fee. 

It’s important to remember that switching a mortgage from residential to buy to let is not always possible, and you should speak with your lender for more information about your options.

If you remortgage a property you used to live in onto a buy to let mortgage and you do not already own any other buy to lets, you may be treated as an ‘accidental landlord.’

This type of landlord needs to source a lender that offers a specific type of buy to let called a ‘Consumer BTL.’ 

The advice about a Consumer BTL mortgages is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), where most other buy to let loans are not regulated.

Buy to Let Mortgage Criteria

It is important to note that this is not a one-size fit scenario. Instead, the correct lender for your circumstances depends on your own unique financial circumstances, requirements and the property you chose. 

When applying for a buy-to-let mortgage, lenders consider several pieces of criteria when  deciding your eligibility.  The criteria varies greatly lender to lender so it is good to seek assistance from an adviser who can help match you to the correct lender for your needs. 

For example, applicants must be a minimum age of 18 to have a mortgage, whereas some lenders require the applicant to be 21 or 25. In addition, some require proof of income, whilst others do not. Some will lend to applicants up to age 70 and others will go up to age 85 and beyond. Some lenders will only consider lending to UK residents, others will consider British expatriates living abroad or non-UK residents and nationals. 

When it comes to the property, some will consider flats above a shop, houses in multiple occupation or holiday lets, but not all.

One of the universal things across all lenders  is the ability to meet mortgage payments. Therefore, the rental calculation is key, but again how each lender calculates this can vary.

How to Get a Buy to Let Mortgage

If you decide to purchase a property as an investment, and need a mortgage, you must use a buy-to-let mortgage not a residential mortgage. Many lenders offer these products, and their criteria can vary widely. To help ensure that you find the best deal for your situation, it is essential to understand what kind of mortgage you need and what factors could affect the terms of the loan.

First, consider the size of the deposit you can afford and how much you can borrow. Many lenders require a minimum 20% -25% deposit for buy-to-let mortgages. The amount of money you are eligible for will depend on your income level, credit score, and a whole range of other factors. You should also assess any fees associated with the mortgage, such as arrangement fees and additional charges.

In addition to researching different buy-to-let mortgages, you should also consider how much rental income you can generate from your property. It is essential to ensure that the amount of rent you expect is realistic for the current market and will cover the mortgage. In addition, it would help if you also consider any restrictions on letting the property; some lenders may not consider certain types of tenants such as students or vulnerable tenants.

Finally, it is essential to understand the tax implications of owning a buy-to-let property. Landlords must declare any rental income to the HMRC, and you will pay tax on your rental profit. Landlords may be eligible for certain tax reliefs such as a Wear and Tear Allowance or mortgage interest relief, which could reduce your overall tax bill. Speaking with an accountant and a Mortgage adviser before taking out a buy to let is essential.

Buy to Let Mortgage Advice

When deciding whether to take out a buy-to-let mortgage, it is essential to consider all the associated costs, benefits and risks. To help make an informed decision, here are some tips on getting the most out of your buy-to-let mortgage.

  • Research different lenders and shop around for the best deal
  • Make sure you understand all fees and charges
  • Calculate your rental income to ensure it covers the mortgage payments
  • Consider any restrictions on letting the property
  • Assess the tax implications of buy-to-let mortgages
  • Speak with a Mortgage adviser and accountant before making a decision

By carefully researching and considering all aspects of buy-to-let mortgages, you can ensure that you find the best product for your needs. With the right advice and information, it is possible to access a buy-to-let mortgage that suits your budget and goals.

Tax Implications of Buy to Let Mortgages

Tax implications should always be taken into account when investing in property. For example, in the UK, profits from rental properties are subject to tax, and landlords must declare any rental income to HMRC.

Depending on your financial situation, you may be eligible for certain reliefs such as mortgage interest relief or a Wear and Tear Allowance which could reduce the amount of tax you owe.

Higher rate tax payers are not able to fully offset the cost of the mortgage payments, as rules introduced in 2017 restricted the offsetting to the basic level of tax. In turn, this has made purchasing a buy-to-let via a limited company more popular, as the rule changes only affected properties in individual ownership.

Speaking with a Tax Adviser or accountant to discuss the potential tax implications before taking out a buy-to-let mortgage is essential.

Tax Benefits of Buy to Let Mortgages

As well as declaring any rental income, landlords can take advantage of certain tax benefits when investing in property.

If a landlord has taken out a buy-to-let mortgage, they can use some interest payments as an allowable expense against their rental income (restricted to basic rate tax). This means that only some of the profit from the property is liable for tax rather than the total amount.

In addition, landlords may receive tax relief on any maintenance costs associated with their property, as well as other expenses such as letting agency fees and legal charges.

Investing in property should be considered in the same way as running a business. Working with the right tax and mortgage advisers will help make your property business more successful.

Specialist Buy-to-let Mortgages

Specialist buy-to-let is for property investors that have more complex financial requirements. Specialist buy-to-let lenders will also lend on complex properties. 

Complex financial requirements could include:

  • Non-UK residents (E.g. Expats)
  • Foreign Nationals
  • First-time buyer buy-to-let
  • Past adverse credit issues
  • Low or no secondary income
  • Limited Companies
  • Offshore companies and trusts
  • Large portfolio landlords


Complex properties could include:

  • Flats above commercial premises
  • Semi-commercial property
  • Houses in multiple occupation (HMO)
  • Multi-Unit Freehold Blocks  (MUB and MUFB)
  • Holiday lets and Airbnb


Not all lenders will lend in these circumstances. Connect mortgage advisers, however, have access to a large range of specialist buy-to-let lenders who will offer buy-to-let mortgages when you wish yo purchase a complex property or have more complex buy-to-let finance needs.

FAQs: Buy to Let Mortgage

Most frequent questions and answers about buy to let mortgages.

The number of buy-to-let mortgages you can have depends on your financial situation and your lender’s criteria. Most lenders generally set a limit of 2 – 5 buy-to-let mortgages per landlord, but no law or specific rule prevents an individual from taking out more buy-to-let mortgages. For more information, we recommend you speak with a financial adviser.

When it comes to buying a property with the help of a buy-to-let mortgage, you will require putting in some money as a deposit. The amount that needs to be put down varies depending on your financial situation and which lender you use. On average, however, lenders require at least 25% of the total value of the property as security before they can offer you financing options.

Yes, you can switch your mortgage to buy to let. However, you will need to speak with your lender and discuss the terms and conditions of such a change. Understanding that lenders may have specific criteria for you to qualify is essential.

Buy-to-let mortgages can be structured as either interest only or repayment. When opting for an interest-only mortgage, the borrower pays the interest each month but does not make any payments towards repaying the capital amount borrowed. Instead, the borrower is responsible for the cost of the whole capital owed at the end of the term period.

Yes, buy-to-let mortgages are generally more expensive than standard residential mortgages. This is because lenders deem them riskier investments and charge higher interest rates.

The amount you can borrow for a buy-to-let mortgage depends on your financial situation and the lender’s criteria. Generally, lenders will lend up to 85% of the property’s value. However, it is essential to note that different lenders may have additional maximum loan-to-value requirements.

Approval for a buy-to-let mortgage can depend on your financial situation and the lender’s criteria. Discussing your requirements with an experienced financial adviser who can guide you in finding a suitable buy-to-let mortgage is essential.

Some are. Consumer buy-to-let mortgages are regulated, and lenders must adhere to specific rules by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA must authorise and supervise all lenders to provide buy-to-let mortgage services.

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Liz Syms


About the Author

Liz Syms is the CEO and Founder of Connect Mortgages, a specialist in finance for property investment. With over 25 years of experience in mortgages and financial services, Liz has helped countless people get their dream homes and investment properties. She is passionate about giving her clients the best advice possible when it comes to financial decisions relating to mortgages and protection and is dedicated to providing the highest quality of service. With her wealth of knowledge in the industry, Liz is a respected leader in mortgages and financial services and has grown her team to over 300 advisers nationally. She strives to make Connect Mortgages one of the most successful companies in its field.

About the Author

Liz Syms is the CEO and Founder of Connect Mortgages, a specialist in finance for property investment. With over 25 years of experience in mortgages and financial services, Liz has helped countless people get their dream homes and investment properties. She is passionate about giving her clients the best advice possible when it comes to financial decisions relating to mortgages and protection and is dedicated to providing the highest quality of service. With her wealth of knowledge in the industry, Liz is a respected leader in mortgages and financial services and has grown her team to over 300 advisers nationally. She strives to make Connect Mortgages one of the most successful companies in its field.