Award Winning Mortgage Broker

Mortgage Rate | 4 Reasons Why it’s Not as Severe as it Might Seem

Mortgage Rate

Mortgage Rate


As a mortgage broker, far be it for us to be scaremongering but, of course, to report on the facts and the realism of the mortgage market as we see it.  Recently, we reported on mortgage rate: The Challenges Homeowners Face – Due To Extraordinary Rate Rises. This was also reported worldwide, and rightfully so, as various television networks, radio broadcasters, and news outlets discussed the topic. We wrote about how some homeowners face a financial nightmare as their mortgage repayments are on an upward trajectory. 

It all started with the mortgage rate: 1 Monumental BOE Interest Rate Decision. The cost of mortgages has reached its highest point in 15 years, with the average rate for a two-year fixed deal nearing 7%, surpassing the levels observed after the Liz Truss government’s mini-budget. The Bank of England’s alarming prediction states that by the end of 2026, over a million homeowners will witness a significant increase of more than £500 in their monthly mortgage bills.


Why there is still optimism?


Given the severity of the mortgage rate situation, one might expect a surge in homes being listed for sale and the housing market plunging into a freefall. However, contrary to previous market downturns, mortgage lenders report that the number of keys handed over to lenders has yet to see a similar surge. While people attempting to buy a home are still facing challenging decisions, and existing homeowners may experience financial strain, several factors have come into play that may prevent a full-blown repeat of past crises.

One key factor contributing to a potentially less severe impact is the slim chances of homeowners losing their properties. Traditionally, when individuals fall behind on mortgage payments with little prospect of catching up, lenders may seek to repossess the property. However, recent figures from the banking trade body UK Finance show that only 750 homes and 410 buy-to-let properties were repossessed during the year’s first three months. Lenders claim that they prefer to avoid repossessions and instead work on devising payment plans with their customers. While everyone’s financial tipping point varies, the number of people falling into unmanageable debt remains relatively low.

Despite the somewhat optimistic outlook, the current mortgage rate surge still poses significant challenges for both aspiring and existing homeowners. Many may struggle with difficult financial decisions, especially considering the substantial increase in monthly mortgage payments. The situation calls for cautious financial planning and prudent spending to weather the storm.

Furthermore, the housing market’s response to the rising mortgage costs due to the increased mortgage rate remains to be determined. Homebuyers may delay their plans, resulting in a slowdown in property transactions, while homeowners might opt to stay put to avoid selling during a less favourable market. These factors could influence supply and demand dynamics in the housing sector, adding further complexity to the overall economic landscape.

There are still concerns


The soaring mortgage costs and potential financial strains have become a pressing concern due to the effect the increased mortgage rate has on the property market. While the situation has not triggered an avalanche of property listings and repossessions, there are still challenging times ahead. Prudent financial management and cooperation between lenders and borrowers will be crucial in navigating this uncertain period. As the market evolves, it will be essential to monitor its response to these unprecedented challenges and take measures to mitigate their impact on individuals and the economy as a whole.

Amidst the pandemic, certain trends emerged among individuals with stable incomes unaffected by illness and lockdowns, and these trends have implications for the housing market.

The first notable trend was the “race for space,” which led to a surge in demand from homebuyers, subsequently driving house prices to significant highs. As a result, numerous homeowners now possess greater property equity, indicating that the gap between the property’s value and the outstanding mortgage has widened. When these homeowners seek new mortgage deals, it could lead to more affordable home loans compared to what they might have faced otherwise.

The second trend witnessed during the pandemic was a savings increase among individuals due to limited spending options like overseas travel. Many people have chosen to use some of these accumulated savings to pay down their mortgages, further enhancing their financial position.


The importance of stress testing  


An interesting aspect that may have provided some unintended benefits was lenders’ practice of “stress testing” when evaluating mortgage applications. Before the rule change, lenders would analyse an applicant’s financial situation to assess whether they could afford higher interest rates before approving the mortgage. While critics argued that this approach, introduced in 2014, resulted in some eligible applicants being rejected by lenders despite their ability to handle the interest rates at that time, it has inadvertently shielded some borrowers from being burdened with unmanageable loans in the current high-interest-rate environment.

The stress testing process has evolved, and lenders are now assessing applicants’ capability to cope with even higher interest rates, potentially reaching 8% or 9%. However, specific requirements vary among lenders, and these details are treated as commercially sensitive information.

While the trends of increased savings and higher equity levels among homeowners provide a buffer against the challenges of rising mortgage rates, the housing market continues to face uncertainties. The race for space and elevated demand has created a competitive environment for homebuyers, potentially leading to affordability issues for some. Additionally, the impact of stress testing on mortgage approvals remains a topic of debate, with proponents highlighting its protective effects and critics expressing concerns about potential exclusions of otherwise qualified applicants.

As the housing market adapts to changing conditions and financial institutions adjust their lending practices, government policies, and interventions become crucial in fostering a stable and sustainable real estate landscape. Monitoring the ongoing developments and their impact on homebuyers and homeowners will be essential to ensure a resilient and balanced housing market in the future.


What are your options? 


In the face of mounting interest rates and the prospect of higher mortgage repayments, in response to the increased rates, we discussed how existing borrowers should contemplate various options to alleviate the impact of these increased bills.

One such option is the possibility of extending the term of their mortgage. Although this may provide some short-term relief by reducing the monthly repayments, borrowers must be aware that opting for an extended term will ultimately result in paying more over the longer duration. Despite this potential drawback, we urge borrowers to proactively discuss with brokers to explore feasible solutions rather than avoid the issue.

Existing borrowers and first-time buyers are facing the need to adapt their plans in light of the changing financial landscape. During a Treasury Committee hearing in the Commons, Andrew Asaam, the homes director at Lloyds Banking Group – the UK’s largest mortgage lender, shed light on the emerging trends in the housing market. He revealed that first-time buyers are adjusting in two primary ways to cope with the tightening affordability constraints. Some choose to put down a larger deposit to reduce their loan amount, while others consider purchasing smaller properties that align better with their financial capacity.

The prevailing market conditions have led to a more cautious approach from lenders, who have tightened their lending criteria. As a result, borrowers may have access to different loan amounts they could have obtained under more favourable circumstances. Consequently, potential homebuyers are being compelled to moderate their expectations and make prudent decisions regarding the properties they can afford.

While these adjustments by borrowers and lenders aim to address the challenges of rising interest rates and affordability concerns, it’s essential to consider the broader implications for the housing market. With borrowers opting for extended mortgage terms and reverting to interest-only mortgages, the overall cost of homeownership may rise, impacting long-term financial planning. The shift towards larger deposits and smaller property purchases may also affect housing demand and property market dynamics.

Amid these evolving circumstances, regulatory authorities and financial institutions are crucial in ensuring responsible lending practices and supporting sustainable homeownership. Open communication channels between borrowers and lenders and access to reliable financial advice are paramount to helping individuals navigate these uncertain times.


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Liz Syms


About the Author

Liz Syms is the CEO and Founder of Connect Mortgages, a specialist in finance for property investment. With over 25 years of experience in mortgages and financial services, Liz has helped countless people get their dream homes and investment properties. She is passionate about giving her clients the best advice possible when it comes to financial decisions relating to mortgages and protection and is dedicated to providing the highest quality of service. With her wealth of knowledge in the industry, Liz is a respected leader in mortgages and financial services and has grown her team to over 300 advisers nationally. She strives to make Connect Mortgages one of the most successful companies in its field.

About the Author

Liz Syms is the CEO and Founder of Connect Mortgages, a specialist in finance for property investment. With over 25 years of experience in mortgages and financial services, Liz has helped countless people get their dream homes and investment properties. She is passionate about giving her clients the best advice possible when it comes to financial decisions relating to mortgages and protection and is dedicated to providing the highest quality of service. With her wealth of knowledge in the industry, Liz is a respected leader in mortgages and financial services and has grown her team to over 300 advisers nationally. She strives to make Connect Mortgages one of the most successful companies in its field.


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